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Micro Speaker



Micro Speaker

。此產業經過多年努力研發,終於成功,重一開始的邊緣膠:膠水需很軟,接著好又符合客戶需求,不影響音質,成功導入揚聲器最大製造商瑞聲。永寬化學所開發的產品應用在微型揚聲器裡的中心膠、邊緣膠、 PPA+磁缸膠、球頂膠焊點保護膠、引線膠及周邊應用。
@ 對許多材料有附著力
@ 符合客戶所需震盪頻率
@ 跌落測試
@ 可耐溫
@ 有添加螢光劑、顏色可供檢測辨識,方便製程管控
@ 具有搖變特性點膠後不會溢膠
@ 可使用LED 405波長硬化

@ 膠水客制化,方便客戶使用

With the advent of technology, the sound transduction play an important role in our life. Modern people are more concerned about the tone quality. Now, Mobile phones combined with notebooks, audio electronics, headphones, etc. to make the audio effects better. Although modern technology products tend to light, thin, short, small and easy to carry, the internal component still needs to keep high efficiency. Micro speaker also must keep high tone quality, high sound pressure, high sensitivity, low voltage drives, small structure, high bandwidth, low distortion, low cost, etc. in a limited space.


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