At the beginning, we guaranteed our products' quality with precision instruments. We deemed the analysis by precision instruments as good quality. For instance, we introduce FTIR (Fourier-Transform Infrared) spectroscopy to ensure the stable quality of each batch of products. Testing with instruments is an efficient way to achieve a consistent quality control.
LEVEL2: Quality is monitored by QA.
To gain a greater confidence, we introduced checkpoints. In every segments of the product production, including measuring, mixing, packaging, and delivery, we assigned QA (quality assurers) to perform real-time monitoring. At this stage, we established the quality assurance policy.

LEVEL1: Quality is assured by instruments.

On top of the precision instruments and human supervision, the quality awareness of employees is of the utmost importance.
We organize a 5-minute morning briefing everyday. We also hire consultants to deliver relevant quality activities that introduce us with great knowledge about the quality management policy.
LEVEL3: Quality is trained.
LEVEL4: Quality is rationalized by a system.

LEVEL5: Quality reflects on our daily life.
The ultimate key to quality improvement is people in an organization. People emphasize quality when they pursue work progress, professionalism, and dignity in their daily lives. We hope that quality awareness is deeply rooted in our daily life. This makes us capable of creating high-quality products.
Industrial Certifications
Product Quality ISO9001 Certification
Product Quality IATF16949 Certification
Environment ISO14001 Certification
Working Safety ISO45001 Certification
Working Training TTQS Certification