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Everwide Newsletter-No.71

Experiment § How does PP stick?

PP (Polypropylene) is the most basic polymer structure. Since the molecular structure is non-polar and has a low surface tension (< 30 Dyne), the glue point up, the wettability cannot be achieved, and the molecular structure of the glue cannot be compatible with PP, resulting in an inability to adhere. Generally, physical destruction may be used to achieve surface modification, such as Corona and Plasma to activate the PP surface to grow polar functional groups OH, COOH, etc. And these modification methods may be temporary treatments, or they may subside. Therefore, the best way is to use thermal fusion to complete the PP connection. Use the same material properties to fuse and heat to the melting point of PP (130-170°C, depending on the degree of crystallinity). The material structure and the hot melt adhesive strip are welded together to complete the assembly. The assembly of the exhaust PP air duct of Everwide laboratory is achieved by this method.

─Author: Mr. Hui-xu, Li, R&D Engineer, Everwide Chemical


Activity § Everwide Chemical you didn't know (1)

Once chatting with a customer, he asked us: "What kind of company do you think Everwide Chemical is?" We told him that Everwide Chemical is a company that "should fail but not fail." Customers were surprised when they heard this. How could anyone describe their company like this? It is not entirely unreasonable to use this semi-joking remark to review the ten years of Everwide Chemical. 1. The four colleagues in charge of R&D at the beginning of Everwide had almost no relevant work experience. 2. As there is no relevant work experience, I don't know how to find target customers. 3. In the early days of Everwide, the main products sold now have never even heard of it. Behind these "should fall" situations, we have mastered several vital factors to allow Everwide Chemical to enter the direction of growth:

1. Experimental spirit: In the process of Everwide Chemical's creation from nothing, there is no unlimited capital injection of "rich dad," product purchase guarantee, or even the inheritance of relevant experience. Therefore, whether it is R&D, business, management, manufacturing, all parts, they have exercised their excellent experimental spirit, and in the process of continuous experimentation, they will find a suitable path. 2. Continuous improvement: Everwide Chemical is not complacent with its staged achievements. On the contrary, we are often uneasy about the current situation and believe in continuous improvement. We set goals every year to gradually improve the production environment of the factory, upgrade the technical level of research, and breakthrough the performance of existing products. This spirit of continuous improvement can prevent us from falling into the quagmire of stagnation and promote our continuous progress and evolution to meet the new needs of the new era.


Knowledge § What is the catalyst for the reaction between the epoxy resin and aromatic amine?

Aromatic organic acids and boron halide-amine addenda.

Aromatic organic acids can be used in room temperature hardening systems and heating hardening systems. Boron halide-amine additives have no catalytic effect at room temperature and will not shorten the usable time at room temperature. They are mainly used in heating and hardening systems. Different processing temperatures can be used to select a suitable range of catalysts.


Living § Globe making (3)

Figure one is the work of a science camp kid-A Xin: Antarctica with ozone hole. He wraps the sphere with plastic wrap, which represents the atmosphere that protects the earth. Antarctica is the green part; the orange part is Australia. There is no plastic wrap to protect the upper part of Antarctica because the ozone layer is broken. Figure 2 is a model of North and South America, Africa, and the Atlantic Ocean. A Xin first drew the map with a pencil; then, it covered it with clay. Since the clay is easy to fall off after drying, it is bonded with double-sided tape. Figure 3 is Little Qiao's work: Blue Planet-Earth. She first colored the ball with blue paint and dried it for later use. She found the world map graphics from the book, asked her parents to photocopy them to size and cut them out and paste them on the spare earth model, and she was done. I want to ask a question: Everyone knows that the Antarctic and the North Pole are cold, and the equator is very hot. It is related to the direct and oblique rays of the sun. Then I want to ask: Do you know why the South Pole is colder than the North Pole? Please think about it! We plan to prepare four or five hundred plastic balls for the principal of Shiliu Elementary School. And let the children do summer homework, then hold a creative competition to prepare prizes to be awarded to creative classmates so that the children will better understand the earth.

─Author: Ms. Miao-ling, Lin, R&D Engineer, Everwide Chemical


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