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Everwide Newsletter No.231

Experiment § What is the strength of the light-curing resin for the secondary coating?

I have encountered a customer’s question if the construction method requires a second glue application (glue filling), will the strength between the new glue and the old glue be problematic? My instinct is yes! Because the resin sticks to itself, the structure is exactly the same, there is no reason why the strength is not good. In order to give customers peace of mind, so we design experiments to verify ideas. We first use glue to directly adhere to the glass (Figure 1) and get an average strength of 146.8kg/cm², and then apply a layer of glue to one of the two glass test pieces, then apply a layer of glue after UV curing, Finally, bonding and curing (Figure 2, the red line is a schematic diagram of the first coating and then curing, the actual adhesive is colorless), the average strength measured is 164.8 kg/cm². Finally, a layer of glue is applied to both glass test pieces, and then a layer of glue is applied after curing, and the test piece is attached (Figure 3), and the average strength is 183.3kg/cm². These three experiments are themselves colloidal cohesive failure rather than adhesive glass interface and delamination. The results demonstrate the strength of the secondary glue will not decline, even beyond the original strength, and may have a thick glue relationship. Of course, there are exceptions in terms of academic theory. If the formula itself has additives, the curing process will surface, and then when the second glue is applied, because the adhesive surface is not the resin itself, it will weaken strength when it comes into contact with the floating additives. It has always been our goal to make Everwide a good partner for customers to feel at ease.

—Author: Mr. De-Zhong, Chen


Activity § Target book club: the first group theory

In September, we launched the first group discussion activity of the book club, which was divided into three batches and reported in turn. In response to the content of the target book, each group put forward problems related to Everwide and suggestions for improvement. Colleagues actively put forward many views. For example, is the existence of urgent orders a good thing? How do we digest urgent orders efficiently? Is the bottleneck caused by primary or other factors? Apart from making money, what other important goals does the company have? Overtime work is controlled or spontaneous, which is better? It is up to the colleagues to think about the problem by themselves, and dialectically answer with the consultant teacher. We hope that through the joint study, the combination of the consistency of view, everyone can show the ability to solve problems.


Knowledge § Evaluate the suitability of adhesives for plastic substrates.

For the adhesive, there are three requirements to obtain good adhesion to the plastic: 1. It must be able to wet the surface of the substrate; 2. It must be able to swollen (Swollen) the substrate; 3. When curing, it should form an interpenetrating polymer network (IPN, Interpenetrating polymer network) with the substrate. The assessment of point 1 is very simple. Just apply the liquid adhesive on the substrate and observe whether it will spread, flatten, or shrink back into a drop shape? The retraction of a droplet is a characteristic that cannot wet the surface. After a few minutes, wipe the adhesive on the plastic and observe whether there is whitening, fogging, etc. on the surface. This is the second feature of swelling. The third point is the interpenetrating network structure. You must refer to the literature and accumulated experimental experience to get results because it is impossible to make quick guesses.


Living § China International Optoelectronic Expo

This year is a change for me. As the overall manufacturing environment is declining, I hope to have a chance to lift the ecology of industries in other regions outside the Taiwan market, so I fight for opportunities with the company to participate in the mainland exhibition. From September 5th to September 9th, 2016, I went to Shenzhen to participate in the China International Optoelectronic Expo. We arrived at the exhibition venue the day before the opening, and the main exhibition hall was so dusty that it was impossible to imagine that it could open as scheduled the next day. However, the chaos of the previous day was completely invisible at the scene on an opening day, and the overall efficiency was amazing. This time, three colleagues participated together. When setting up the exhibition, everyone joked that 300 business cards for the exhibition should be enough. Unexpectedly, the exhibition was unprecedentedly grand, and it was almost used up on the first day. Fortunately, We found a fast printing company for an emergency. On the third day of the exhibition, a customer told me that they are using Everwide glue. I was happy right now, but I didn't expect him to go on to say that Everwide glue is made in the mainland, and even the model is exactly the same as the foreign brand. I quickly explained to the customer that our products are all manufactured in Taiwan, and we will not use foreign brand models. The customer's response was first astonished and then said that all factories in their area had been using fake products. I don't know if I should be happy or sad when I hear this news? Fortunately, because we are a bit famous, some people want to counterfeit. But the sad thing is that if the quality of the counterfeit products is not good, indirectly people will be disappointed with the Everwide brand. We sincerely hope that everyone can love to use the good things we produce.

—Author: Miss. Yu-Xiao, Qiu


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