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Everwide Newsletter No.202

Experiment § Vacuum to eliminate bubbles

In the resin mixing process, air will enter to produce bubbles, so we often add defoaming agent and foamicide to remove bubbles. The former is to gather small bubbles into large bubbles, which are easier to float up. The latter is to change the surface tension to make the bubbles unstable and easy to break. Products with higher viscosity are often vacuumed to defoam. The principle is that when the pressure becomes smaller, the bubbles will expand and float to the surface of the resin, and finally swell until it breaks. Sometimes just pumping a vacuum will take a lot of time, and it is easy for the resin to overflow to the outside of the container (Figure 1, 2). At this time, the mixing blade can help to eliminate air bubbles more efficiently (Figure 3, 4). The position of the stirring blade is related to the viscosity of the resin.

Air bubbles in low-viscosity resins are easy to expand, so the mixing blade should be placed on top of the resin to break the bubbles. The bubbles of high-viscosity resin are not easy to float up, and the mixing blade should be placed inside the resin to make the flow to help the bubbles overcome the resistance and run to the surface to break.

─ Author: Mr. Yun-Xian, Liu


Activity § Typhoon Sudil

On Saturday, August 8, the whole of Taiwan was shrouded in the storm circle of Typhoon Sudil, and there were strong wind and rain in the Yunlin area that afternoon. The sight is really scary. The cables of the sunshade net were broken one by one, and the net was torn into a curtain and fluttered in the squally wind. The cables of the sunshade net were broken one by one, and the net was torn into a curtain and fluttered in the squally wind. The strong wind that continued to roar blew raindrops into the usual seemingly narrow cracks in the door. The wind and rain had stopped Sunday, but the scene was terrible. The tree fell, the gate was destroyed, everything was very bad. At this moment, several colleagues took the initiative to rush to the company to care. Everyone cleaned for a day to remove the debris from the road in the factory, and they were too tired to lift their hands. The news reports that there are disasters everywhere, and I hope everyone can recover smoothly.


Knowledge § Application of time-temperature equivalence principle

If a plastic rod is placed at 25°C and weighs 20 kg, how many centimeters will the plastic rod be elongated in one year? I believe that few people can wait a year before measuring this data. However, we can use the principle of time-temperature equivalence to calculate how much time the change of this material at 80℃ is equal to the change of 25℃/1 year. In this way, we only need to measure the dimensional change of the plastic rod under a load of 20 kilograms at 80°C, perhaps only a few days, which can replace the lengthy experiment at room temperature. In the same way, if you want to know how many centimeters of a plastic rod will be stretched after one minute at a load of 20 kg at 180°C? This kind of experiment is also very difficult: on the one hand, the temperature is not easy to be uniform, on the other hand, the elongation rate may be very large. If we use the principle of time-temperature equivalence and use 80°C data to speculate on the 180°C phenomenon, we will also get a reasonable answer.


Living § Customers are not just your customers

At first glance at the title, you would think that this is a game of words. In fact, what we want to convey is the concept of "signing a project is the customer". In order to achieve the best quality, we have established many quality control systems during production, such as process quality control to assist in checking and confirming the information on the manufacturing order. In addition to packaging quality control, sampling of inspection samples, and assistance in confirming product packaging materials and labels. Shipment quality control to help verify the number of shipments and other shipment information. It is expected that when the product is delivered to the customer, not only the physical properties of the product meet the needs of the customer, but the quality is also very stable. In fact, this is total quality management. We are not asking you to fully inspect every raw material and product, but constantly reminding everyone: "No matter which process you are in, you should have independent quality control."

When the product is delivered to the next stage of the manufacturing process, the quality of the product should be stable and conform to the company's internal specifications. When everyone is in quality control, the product is perfect in every process, and the quality can be stable and reliable. Signing a project as a customer means that we treat our colleagues in the next process as customers, and only after confirming that the products in our process are correct, we "ship to customers". When the total quality management is exerted to the extreme, we believe that our products must be of high quality, and the end customers will also use our products happily. Someone once wondered whether we would pay a high cost for such monitoring? After all, some colleagues in the industry do it all the way solo! After so many years of accumulated experience, colleagues can agree: Only reducing quality concerns, and only reducing the handling of customer complaints, is the lowest-cost approach, so these payments are actually quite cost-effective!

─ Author: Miss. Heng-Rong, Li


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