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Everwide Newsletter No.199

Experiment § Changes of red phosphorus in epoxy resin

Red phosphorus is a very effective flame retardant. Red phosphorus combined with aluminum hydroxide can generate phosphoric acid when flames appear, which can quickly degrade organic materials into carbon slag, so that the flame is not easy to pass, and the flame retardant effect is achieved. However, there are some doubts about the use of red phosphorus. The most famous example is that red phosphorus was added to the epoxy resin of early IC packaging, and the chip was short-circuited and burned. Another example is the parts of Panasonic refrigerators. The infusion resin contains red phosphorous, which will fail in an environment of high temperature and high humidity. We cure and cut the epoxy resin containing red phosphorus, then put it in a pulverizer and grind it into powder. Then soak the powder in water and analyze the change in pH. Finally, the aqueous solution is sent for measurement, and the concentration of phosphoric acid is analyzed by ion chromatography. Taking the epoxy resin formula with 2% red phosphorus content as an example, the pH of the original powder's aqueous solution is close to 7. The test piece was heated at 195°C/15 hr and then ground to prepare an aqueous solution, and the pH became 6.2. If you use the instrument to analyze the phosphate in the aqueous solution and then push it back to the original concentration in the resin, it is only about 55 ppm (55 parts per million). As a result, the amount of phosphoric acid produced by red phosphorus in the resin is actually not much. Of course, this topic still needs to be continuously studied and carefully evaluated.

─Author: Mr. Zhi-Yu, Huang


Activity § Hello, we are Xaio ka and Hei Niu !

By chance, we met Xiao Ka in the animal hospital. Because it was very active and attracted our attention, the doctor asked us if we would like to adopt it. The Hei Niu was too quiet, and through a doctor's introduction, the original owner gave it to us. Many people think that our company’s dogs are descendants of famous families, but in fact, our dogs are mostly stray dogs or dogs presented by good friends. Just like Xiao Ka and the Hei Niu, we are destined to be with us, and the huge garden is perfect for them to run around. Keeping pets is not an easy task, so you must have the love and patience of accepting family members, and you must have a long-term breeding environment and preparation. I also suggest that you adopt adoption instead of buying, and give stray dogs and cats a home so that there are no more stray animals in Taiwan. Although they don't have valuable bloodlines and wealth, they have a loyal heart and are willing to accompany every master. For further information, you are welcome to inquire about animal hospitals or homes for stray animals. Announcement on the adoption of stray animals in Yunlin County:


Knowledge § What are solubility parameters?

Solubility parameter is a very useful concept. The solubility parameters between the two liquids are close, and the two will be mutually soluble. If the difference is too large, delamination will occur after standing. The relationship between solvents and thermoplastic polymers is the same. When the solubility parameters of the two are close, the solvent can dissolve the polymer. When the difference is too large, it cannot be dissolved. There is also the same relationship between polymers: when the solubility parameters of different polymers are close, they may be blended together to obtain a homogeneous product. If the difference between the two is large, then phase separation must occur. The definition of the solubility parameter is the cohesive energy density rooting. The simplest concept of cohesive energy is the energy that the structures like to close together or the energy that separates the structures that are close together. If the energy that each structure attracts itself can be calculated, then the energy of different structures can be calculated, and the latter can be evaluated. This principle is very effective for evaluating mutual solubility, dissolution, mixing, and swelling. Solubility parameters can be found in many manuals, and can also be calculated theoretically.


Living § First time abroad

I always hear from my colleagues that he wants to see how big the world is and to experience the humanities! I am envious, and a little bit disappointed because I have never been abroad. A while ago, a senior asked me if I wanted to travel with him because he wanted colleagues in the manufacturing department to have the opportunity to see the company's customers. This invitation unexpectedly made me realize a wish. Before leaving, my colleague told me that Shanghai is a prosperous city with very beautiful scenery. After experiencing it in person, it surpassed my original imagination, because the streets are neat and uniform, the street scene is very beautiful, and the street is full of people, so I can't help but speed up. But what surprises me most is the high prices, because many things are more expensive than in Taiwan, which makes me feel that Taiwan dollars are not very valuable. Manager Huang took us to eat restaurants, take the subway, and walk around the Bund, which was considered beneficial during the trip. Visiting customers with seniors, I saw that the factory was very tidy, everyone was conscientious, and the discussions were quite professional, which was completely different from the original stereotype. The four-day trip almost consumed all my energy, so I slept all the way back on the car. I used to envy my colleagues in the business department who often go abroad, but now I understand that this is a chore. When I got home, my son asked me, "Is it fun?" I calmly said to him: "Study hard, because my colleagues and I have a deep impression on business trips: Reading gives you more opportunities, grows different wisdom, and assumes greater responsibilities." The son didn't care about it. Taking a plane for the first time, going abroad for the first time, and feeling such a huge impact for the first time gave me many different ideas. How can I repay the company for the first time that I have given me so much? I think that sharing what I have seen and heard with everyone so that everyone can work hard and make progress together is the best return I can do.

─ Author: Mr. Yu-Zhen, Zhu

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