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Everwide Newsletter No.181

Experiment § Development of soft epoxy resin

Everyone's impression of epoxy resin is that it is too hard. There are many disadvantages of soft epoxy resin: the unit price of copolymerized with PU is high, if plasticizer is added, it may volatilize. Some soft resins and curing agents react very slowly, and the performance of the finished product is unstable. The color of some cured products is very yellow. Soft epoxy resin has always been in demand in the market, but satisfaction has always been needed to improve. Our R&D department is determined to set the goal of developing soft epoxy resin: the raw materials and cured products not only have low color, but the curing agent also will not absorb moisture and agglomerate, and the curing process will not cause amine brush. The reaction speed at room temperature is fast, heating curing will not become too hard, the cured product will not be brittle at low temperature, and the formula does not contain NP (Nonylphenol), BA (Benzyl alcohol), and prohibited substances. After more than half a year of hard work, it is now close to the completion stage: the cured product is flexible and can withstand extreme bending (Figure 1). When placed at a low temperature of -40℃, it is not easy to be broken due to external force. Under different processing conditions, the color difference is small (Figure 2). We are making the final fine-tuning, and hope that the product will give you a refreshing feeling when it comes out.

—Author: Mr. Zhi-Yu, Huang


Activity § Some things happened in October

There are a few things to share with readers in October. The first thing is that Everwide purchased an X-ray fluorescence analyzer (Figure 1, X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer, XRF). It is not easy to operate this instrument, if you want to operate it, you need to be trained to obtain a license issued by the Atomic Energy Commission. As for its function, it will be introduced in the future experiment report. The second thing, we used the idle space in the corner to isolate a small meeting room (Figure 2, 3). This room has a special feature: there are no broadcast and telephone extensions, so the time can be blocked (no one is interrupted to focus on work). Of course, stay away from get off work, if the boss says, "Let's go to the small room and talk." It must not be a good thing at the moment. The third thing is that after 3 months of study and 6 hours of hard work, my new colleague Gao Meiyu passed the exam and officially entered the ranks of research and development. Figures 4~7 show that we secretly recorded the examination process, so have you recalled our own previous examinations?


Knowledge § What are the uses of epoxy resin?

Epoxy resins are often used in the following points.

  1. Civil engineering: floor paint, planting reinforcement, repairing cracks, etc.

  2. Coatings: automotive primer, steel plate anti-rust, electronic coatings, can coatings, etc.

  3. Adhesive: metal, ceramic, glass, composite material adhering, solar chip cutting, etc.

  4. Composite materials: carbon fiber bicycles, fishing rods, tennis rackets, golf clubs, FR4 motherboards, etc.

  5. Electronic applications: IC packaging, LED packaging, LCD sealant, resistance coating, etc.

  6. Motor injection: motors, dry-type transformers, current ratio devices, ratio generators, etc.


Living § Browse the exhibition and teaching competition manual

Shanghai, known as the Paris of the East, is a mixture of new and old. Walking in this prosperous big city, you can see many high-rise buildings of all kinds, and you can also explore the beauty of many old-style buildings. We came to this ancient city, looking for the latest materials and exploring the context of the industry. The three-day composite exhibition is the purpose of our trip. The most feared encounter when watching an exhibition is that "people who know will know a lot, and those who don't know will know nothing." From time to time, when I walked around the exhibition hall, the gifts in the bag increased, and the index of total fatigue increased, but I found that the knowledge in my head did not increase. What a terrible thing this is! In order to avoid such dilemmas, we have done our homework before we set off. In the exhibition manual, first, mark the manufacturers you are interested in, then draw up a good-looking exhibition plan and go to the exhibition hall. Only in this way will you not lose your way in the huge exhibition hall, and you will not forget the things you want to see most. First, we visit manufacturers related to work. Because I will be more familiar and sensitive to related industries and products, after asking for catalogues and simple inquiries, and then carefully studying the data, I will definitely gain something, and sometimes innovative concepts are hidden in it. Then I went to the booths of raw materials vendors that I am interested in to see what are the latest raw materials on the market and look for possible cooperation solutions. Finally, go to the latest curious exhibits and the most lively booths in the exhibition hall, so that you can learn about the latest developments in the industry and learn from the advantages of others. Seeing an exhibition, many new things can be kept in my mind. Prepare in advance and you will be able to reap the rewards. In future work, there may be opportunities to link these gains together and apply what they have learned. The above experience is provided as a reference for you who have been at a loss at the exhibition, and hope that you will have the same harvest as me in the future!

—Author: Mr. Rong-Xin, Lin


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