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Everwide Newsletter-No.141

Experiment § The secret of the depth of the texture

Facing the trend of new and changing consumer electronic products, the surface treatment of materials used in these 3C products usually uses "texture" to enhance the appearance, increase the visual effect, and attract consumers' willingness to buy. The surface decoration pattern is made of a particular metal, glass, or plastic sheets using UV glue. The depth of the pattern ranges from 10μm to 70μm. The thickness of the pattern greatly affects the choice of optical UV glue. How to untie it? We can use the film thickness to distinguish the selection of optical UV glue. The application of lines with a film thickness of more than 30μm is shown in Figures 1 and 2. Optical UV adhesives need to have the characteristics of flexibility, high viscosity, good detachability, and good wetting and defoaming properties so that the lines turned over on the whole surface can be relatively free of defect. It is recommended to use the GN964 series and GP252 series. The lines with a film thickness of less than 30μm are shown in Figures 3 and 4, which are shallow lines. The optical UV glue used in this texture can choose a resin with high hardness, low viscosity, suitable release property, and good wetting and defoaming properties. It is recommended to use GN969, GN964, GP074 series. Next time you feel the lines on the 3C surface, remember to tell your friends that these things are made of glue.

─Author: Miss Chun-Xiang, Li


Activity § New environmental protection weapon: activated carbon adsorption equipment

Everwide Chemical is a public institution listed and regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) are generated in our manufacturing process. According to the laws of Taiwan, we should install a set of air pollution prevention equipment to deal with it to prevent VOCs from being directly emitted into the atmosphere and polluting the environment. At present, the control equipment used by Everwide is water washing equipment. Its advantage is that it is relatively cheap and widely used; the disadvantage is that many VOCs are not soluble in water, so the treatment efficiency is not high. In line with environmental protection and social responsibility, we have invested in an additional set of activated carbon adsorption equipment this year. The VOC in the exhaust gas is adsorbed on the surface of activated carbon to achieve the purpose of removal using the porous structure of activated carbon particles. This method has a good effect on various VOCs, and the processing efficiency can be as high as 95% or more. The adsorbed activated carbon can be regenerated by steam, chemical oxidation, microwave, etc., without waste pollution. Everwide Chemical loves the earth, and we will continue to work hard on environmental issues.


Knowledge § Let's talk about the concept of hard and soft

Hard and soft are relative concepts. Polymer materials exhibit soft characteristics at temperatures above Tg and hard characteristics at temperatures below Tg. Many materials have a Tg below room temperature, so they feel soft at room temperature. The question is, when will they harden? Many soft epoxy resin formulations have a Tg around 0°C, so put this formulation in the freezer, and it will show hard characteristics. Many rubbers, silicones, and modified silicones have a Tg around -40°C. When these materials are placed in a freezer at -20°C, they still exhibit soft characteristics. Materials that seem to have the same hardness at room temperature may have different hardness in different low-temperature environments.


Living § The goal link between the company and its employees

At work, colleagues often chat: where is fun, food, that new mobile phone is on the market, etc. I often think: Is the situation so good? The domestic GDP growth rate last year was only 1.06%, oil, and electricity raw materials kept rising, and economic conditions raised alarms. These messages were selectively ignored and did not receive the attention they deserve. Another example that is out of touch with the current situation is the belief that the company will continue to grow profitably: salary increases in previous years, this year should be the same; in the past, it was able to weather the economic crisis, and this time is no exception. The disconnect between employees' perception and reality is very dangerous for the corporate body because employees who have not improved their skills and feel good about themselves are like being taken care of by the company. Still, the company may not always be able to bear these burdens. Towers Watson Human Resources Company quantifies these phenomena: Only 14.7% of employees are dedicated to working, 38% are completely or very inactive, and the rest want to do just that. Employees have no sense of the current situation at work. Some lack goals, and some result from the inability to connect the purposes of the employees to the company. The employees themselves must enlighten the former, which is the result of much old management thinking. In the past, many companies used employees as tools: requiring obedience and emphasizing control. But as far as the needs of employees are concerned: the protection of material conditions, opportunities for growth, and greater autonomy are all significant. The company and its employees are not in the same direction, causing the bottleneck of company development and the alienation of employees' attitudes. It is the most fundamental reason for the disconnect. Letting employees and the company have a good connection is the primary issue of the organization. In the past, control measures often brought resistance from employees; allowing employees to be independent and participate in the company's operation is a new trend. Because work autonomy makes employees freer, freedom represents responsibility, and being responsible for work becomes the employee's own business. From another perspective, companies used to treat employees as profitable tools to develop control methods; now, the roles of the two should be reversed: the company is a tool for employees to meet their needs. To achieve our own needs, we must actively participate in work affairs, do the work to perfection, and do our best to maintain the effectiveness (profit, growth) of this tool (company). Looking at the relationship between the company and its employees from another angle, work quality and results will be considerably different.

─Author: Mr. Er-kai, Ye


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