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Everwide Newsletter-No.117

Experiment § High transparent mirror optical film

Some of our customers coat high-hardness light-curing resin on PET film. In the past, only a few foreign resin factories could supply this type of material, which was expensive, and its performance was not necessarily able to fully meet the demand. Customers have tried Taiwan manufacturers' products, and some have passed the testing stage. Still, there are too many impurities and do not meet the optical requirements, so they are a little uneasy about the manufacturing capabilities of local manufacturers. After two years of hard work in this field, we still couldn't formally apply machine coating. We always feel unwilling to admit defeat, and we want to find opportunities to prove the excellence of Everwide products to customers. Heaven helps those who help themselves. The customer has a new requirement and requires the product to pass the following tests: (1) Steel wool oooo* There should be no scratches under 10 rubs, (2) Waterdrop angle *75 degrees, as shown in the left picture, (3) Pencil hardness is greater than 3H (load 500g). Through the evaluation of the laboratory, we strive for the opportunity to test on the machine.

The first time I got on the machine was almost waiting for the result. There are 3 impurities in 1 square meter of Japanese glue and 66 of our products. "How to reduce from 66 to less than 3?" This is a challenging problem. After continuously improving the manufacturing process, we reached the perfect state of zero impurity in the second test. This result surprised even the customers! Our quality is still stable when it is scaled up to hundreds of kilograms for mass production. Thank you very much for the strict requirements of customers so that Everwide can develop optical-grade mirror coating glue.

─Author: Assistant R&D Engineer Mr. Can-xian, Hong, Everwide Chemical


Activity § Obtain the stacker license

In September last year, to further implement the company's ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 promotion, we specially provided the opportunity for colleagues to be trained to apply for the stacker license. Any colleague who will contact a stacker at work or is interested in operating a stacker can apply to the company for training.

A total of 17 colleagues from Everwide participated in the "Special Safety and Hygiene Education Training Course for Truck Operators with a Load of More Than One Ton" and received an 18-hour course at the Productivity Center (10 hours for subjects and 8 hours for technical subjects). This course allows everyone to have a considerable degree of understanding of the stacker's operation details and equipment maintenance, which significantly improves the safety and professionalism of the workplace.

Everyone was serious when they were trained, and they frequently practiced after work, and finally all passed the certificate of the operation technician of the stacker. At the end of last year, the Vocational Training Bureau of the Labor Commission went to Everwide to evaluate the training quality system and recorded this result. The sharing and interaction of professional knowledge are worthy of recognition. What we want to do is: The stacker is in Everwide, not just the stacker.

─Author: Quality Management Representative Ms. Yu-zhi, Ai, Everwide Chemical


Knowledge § Why can epoxy resin become the second largest plastic with thermosetting resin?

The largest amount of thermosetting resin is unsaturated polyester, and the second-largest amount is epoxy resin. Compared with other materials, epoxy resin has the following advantages:

1. Excellent mechanical properties — Epoxy resin has strong cohesion, and its mechanical strength is better than standard resins. 2. Good adhesion strength — After the epoxy resin reacts with amines, the structure will generate hydroxyl groups, which have good adhesion to many materials. 3. Low curing shrinkage rate — The curing shrinkage rate of epoxy resin is only 1-3%, which is one of the smallest types of thermosetting plastics. 4. Good processing performance-epoxy resin will not produce volatile matter when hardened so that it can be suitable for many different processing conditions. 5. Good electrical properties — The volume resistance of epoxy resin is about 10 15 ohm-cm or more, which is a resin material with fairly good insulation. 6. High chemical stability-epoxy resin can withstand the corrosion of various acids, alkalis, and salts without damage. 7. Good heat resistance — The cured product of epoxy resin can generally be heat-resistant to about 100°C, and resins with special heat-resistant grades can heat up to 200°C or more.

In terms of individual performance, other materials may be superior to epoxy resin; however, in terms of the overall evaluation of multiple properties, epoxy resin still has irreplaceable importance.


Living § Embrace

When we were young, we were used to being hugged. Parents always take good care of us. After learning to walk, we began to leave our parents and try to run. As the years go by, our parents are getting older. Parents always care about us silently, giving us strength and supporting us to move forward when we are frustrated. When we are in high spirits, our parents are behind us, cheering for us and sharing our joy.

How long did we look back at our parents? Looking at parents' faces again, it is not difficult to find that the years have left marks on the faces of parents. They are not as strong as they were when they were young, and they are not as energetic as they used to be. We used to hug our hands tightly when we were young, but now it's hard to lift them. And we have long forgotten the temperature in the arms of our parents.

How long have you not hugged your parents? Once, we are most accustomed to the action; now, it is the most challenging action to make. When we were children, we always clamored for our parents to embrace us; we seldom embraced our parents when we grew up.

Mother's Day is coming soon, don't forget to care about our parents, and don't forget to give them a big hug and thank them for their nurturing grace. Please don't be shy and feel awkward, because that is our most familiar and warm embrace!

Here, just a short essay to congratulate the mothers of the world, Happy Mother's Day!


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