
2022年10月11日3 分鐘

Everwide newsletter No.386

Experiment § Method of making specimen of adhesive (1)

From the early traditional Industries to the recent precision electronics, resins' application is becoming more widespread, and the mastery of physical properties is becoming more and more demanding. Many customers are curious about the technical data of Shore D hardness, glass transfer temperature (Tg) of DSC, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of TMA, and thermal cracking temperature of TGA, etc. How are the test pieces made? In fact, these experiments can be carried out with small adhesive blocks. We put the de-bubbled glue on a flat glass sheet covered with release paper and put glass spacers on both sides to control the thickness of the adhesive blocks (Figure 1). The two pieces of release glass are laminated together, then fixed using long-tail clips, and then cured according to the originally set curing conditions (Figure 2,3). In addition to these standard tests, occasional additional analyses need to be done, such as Young's coefficient, tanδ, breaking voltage, volume resistance, surface resistance, etc. These experiments require making relatively large adhesive blocks and cutting them into appropriate sizes and shapes. The steps for making large and small adhesive blocks are roughly the same, and we will share the steps for making large adhesive blocks shortly (Figure 4,5). Please look forward to it.

—Author: Miss. Li-ling, Liu

Activity § Recent interesting events

Qin-ai Music is a public-service performing arts group. The teachers teach the children of the native tribes to intertwine the power and beauty of music with the fiddle. The company purchased music tickets to invite colleagues to enjoy the feast. Everyone took a group photo in front of the National Opera House in Taichung, which was visually and audibly stunning, and they agreed to participate again next year (Figure 1-3). Because of the epidemic, the National Formosa University Campus Recruitment Fair was postponed until the end of September. About 100 vendors were present at the event, and students came prepared to ask various questions to prepare for their departure from campus (Figure 4,5).

Knowledge § What are volatiles in the curing process of epoxy?

Theoretically, everything will volatilize, with liquids' significant volatility and solids' small volatility. Epoxy resins are no exception. During the liquid resins' heating and curing process, more or some substances will be volatilized into the environment. Non-reactive components, such as catalysts, diluents, solvents used for additives, etc., are often seen in GC-Mass analysis. Theoretically, the resin itself will also volatilize, but because of the relatively large molecular weight, the volatilization of the resin itself is very small, so it is not easy to detect. We once took liquid one-component epoxy resin and then used TGA to measure the weight loss after curing at 150°C. It was only 0.07%, which is quite a small amount.

Living § Sewing happiness weaving

The production process of the product requires filter screens to filter impurities. For the convenience of the personnel, we sewed different colors on different filter screens to identify them. By chance, I took a course on sewing filter screens and asked Auntie Mina and Auntie Chin-Liang from the factory to be our instructors. At first, I was nervous and uncertain because I didn't know anything about this skill. However, under the careful instruction of the aunties, I learned about the functions of the stringing machine, different cutting methods, and distinguishing the types of filter screens. With the coach's instructions, the actual can cut into the desired width and size, use different alignment rules and curvature cutting changes, and then slowly trim the edges, so smoothly create the first belong to their own handmade filter screen. To avoid loosening and knotting, we must not forget the most important step of "threading," which is a more difficult step and requires repeated practice to get the thread and needle into each small hole. I also used my free time to practice and improve on different aspects. Looking at the finished product, I couldn't help but exclaim, "I never thought I could do it!” While I am happy, I thank my seniors for teaching me. They taught me the technique and the attitude of not being afraid of failure.

——Author: Miss. Wen-Zhu, Zhang
