
2021年4月18日3 分鐘

Everwide Newsletter No.348


Experiment § Thermally conductive clay

Thermal paste has good electrical insulation and excellent thermal conductivity and is widely used in various electronic products and electrical equipment as the interface between radiators and heat sources. Thermal paste can fill gaps or holes to optimize the heat conduction effect. Most of the thermal grease is silicone oil as the carrier, filled with metal oxides with high thermal conductivity. If the thermal grease is prone to phase separation in a long-term high-temperature working environment, it will cause oil leakage, cracking, pulverization, etc. Recently, we have developed thermally conductive clay with special materials, which not only facilitates sharing (Figure 1) but also greatly improves the aforementioned cracking situation. Apply thermal clay and thermal paste on the matte glass respectively, and bake at 150 degrees Celsius for 1 hour, and observe the seepage of silicone oil at high temperatures, then you can see that the thermal clay has almost no oil leakage (Figure 2). Then they were sandwiched between glass and aluminum sheets, and it was found that even if the thermally conductive clay was heated at 200 degrees Celsius for three days, there was no cracking (Figure 3). Thermally conductive clay is not easy to volatilize at high temperatures, and the thermal cracking temperature is significantly increased (Figure 4).

This product can also be used in dispensing equipment, and friends who are interested are welcome to contact us (Figure 5).

—Author: Dr. Liao, Jia-Ling

Activity § Work and Life

During the epidemic, business work must continue to be promoted. The domestic changes are not big, and everyone can still discuss them face-to-face. The foreign part relies on video conferencing and customer contact (Figure 1,2). The pace of research and development cannot be stopped either and we are adding ring test equipment to provide better service to customers (Figure 3). Apart from hard work, of course, I don't forget to enrich my life after getting off work (Figure 4, 5). In order to establish a friendly working environment and enable workers to work safely and efficiently, the Ministry of Labor has promoted the "Work-Life Balance Subsidy Program" for several years. For more information, please click the link:

The related series of activities of Everwide was implemented in April, and the contents include employee care and stress relief, parent-child fun and leisure, and hope that these plans and arrangements, will bring colleagues a different life experience.

Knowledge § Can epoxy resin cure with moisture (1)?

Epoxy resin can be cured at room temperature (two-component type), high-temperature curing (one-component type), and light-cured (cationic polymerization). In fact, epoxy resins also have formulas that react on moisture: use ketimine curing agents. This curing agent is not easy to react with epoxy resin, but when exposed to moisture, it will react to form amines and release ketones. The amines that appear at this time will react with the resin, allowing the epoxy resin to cure. The dehydration reaction of ketones and amines has the risk of explosion, so there are few manufacturers producing ketimine curing agents because it is expensive.

Living § Taiwan, please listen to me

Taiwan, please listen to me was published in 2009. Reading the story again a few years later, compared with the changes in today's political and economic environment, I have a more profound feeling. In the book, we try to understand the transformation and regeneration of Taiwan through the eyes of 17 characters from different fields, backgrounds, ideas, and experiences. Through the stories told by characters, these seemingly historical debris pieces have become part of the puzzle of Taiwan’s modern history, returning to its place in the long history of Taiwan. What impressed me the most was: Hu Naiyuan's "Dad's Starry Sky Picture".

According to the author Wu Jinxun's "Movement of Not Writing in the Book" at the press conference, during the interview of this story, Hu Naiyuan and the author often remained silent for a long time, and then resumed the interview after they recovered. Hu Naiyuan's father, Dr. Hu Xinlin, spent more than ten years in Ludao in the 1950s. When he was young, Hu Naiyuan always wanted to learn about his father's life in Ludao, but his father was always reluctant to talk about it because the memories were too bitter. When he grew up, he no longer considered himself a victim but understood the responsibilities of his father and his family from a historical perspective. Starry sky map is a starry sky map drawn by Hu Xinlin facing the sky on the green island because of longing and spent many nights with tears and speechlessness. When he gave the picture to his son, he once said in a joke: someday there is a chance to leave Green Island by boat, at least he will not lose his direction in life.

This picture is treasured in Hu's family and is Hu Naiyuan's heirloom.

The historical stories are moving and give us the opportunity to explore the past of our ancestors.

─Author: Dr. Zhi-Rong, Jiang
