
2017年7月23日3 分鐘

Everwide Newsletter No.252

Experiment § Non-silicone thermal paste

Thermal paste is a mixture of resin and thermal powder and the most common resin is silicone oil. This kind of material has the problem of siliceous pollution, and some applications cause problems, so there is a demand for non-siliceous thermal paste. The method of using the non-silicon thermal paste is exactly the same as that of general thermal paste. It has the characteristics of non-toxic, environmentally friendly, easy to clean, and not easy to separate out (Figure 1-3). The non-silicon thermal paste used to have the disadvantage of being easy to dry and harden, but it has now been completely overcome (Figure 4). At present, the thermal conductivity of JD655 is 1.3W/mK, and it will not harden when heated at 150℃ for two days. The volatility is even lower than that of silicon JC922-1. It is a new choice for thermal paste. If you are interested, please contact us, we have prepared samples and welcome you to try.

—Author: Mr. Qiao-Han, Ding

Activity § Busy July

July is a busy month: 1. The internal audit of IATF16949 has been launched since then, and many work processes have been reviewed. 2. Foreign raw material suppliers visited the factory to introduce new raw materials, and everyone listened with interest and kept asking questions. 3. Summer interns are also coming this month. In addition to instructing them on the attitudes and skills they should have at work, we also arrange courses for instrument introduction. 4. Speaking of new instruments, we purchased a high-pressure testing machine (105-132℃, saturated humidity) and a small electronic universal testing machine (with a load of 2kg) this month. The former is used for more rigorous material life assessment, and the latter can be used to measure tiny push-pull forces. July makes us very hot, and in August when the temperature hits record highs, what activities will we have? Please wait and see.

Knowledge § What are the common viscosity units?

The viscosity of water is 1cps, and cps means centipoise, which means 1/100 Poise, which is a unit of viscosity made by CGS. Another SI system of viscosity unit, the viscosity of water is 1mPa‧s. mPa‧s refers to mini-Pa‧s, which means 1/1000 Pa‧s. As long as you remember that the viscosity of water 1cps is equal to 1mPa‧s, the common cps, Poise, mPa‧s, and Pa‧s can be easily interchanged and will never be confused again. The most common unit of viscosity is cps. The viscosity of general solvents is very low, only about a few cps like water. Vegetable oil is about tens to hundreds of cps and honey is about thousands of cps. The resin is often thousands to tens of thousands of cps, close to the viscosity of hundreds of thousands to millions of cps before gelation.

Living § Turkey-Istanbul Exhibition Record

In order to open up new markets and let the world understand Everwide, we participated in the auto parts exhibition held in Istanbul, Turkey. Turkey is one of the 17 countries with a global automobile production capacity of more than one million, with an annual production capacity of more than 1.5 million vehicles, making it an important global automobile production base. The largest city is Istanbul, with a population of over 10 million, about half of Taiwan’s population, but only one-seventh of Taiwan’s area. It is small and densely populated, and there are a lot of people coming off work every day. Most of the visitors to the exhibition were Turkish-speaking locals, so it was a bit difficult to communicate, and only simple instructions and pictures could be used to explain Everwide's products. Two days after the exhibition, there were a lot of crowds. We met a guest who praised Taiwan. He said that he likes Taiwanese products very much, and Taiwanese products are great! Among the many guests who have never heard of Taiwan or are very new to Taiwan, it is very happy to meet guests who love us. In addition to participating in the exhibition, it is inevitable to be a tourist and take the time to enjoy the exotic scenery of Turkey. The most impressive is the famous "Blue Mosque". The tour guide said that because she used copper-blue tiles to decorate the interior, there is only this mosque in the world with the blue name. Everyone was amazed by its beauty. This trip to the exhibition is very grateful for the help of the local tour guide "Welfare Sister". She can speak Chinese, English, German, Turkish... and solve our communication problems. Next time we come to Turkey, we will ask her to be a Tourist guide.

—Author: Mr. Zhan-Yu, Chen
