
2016年8月14日4 分鐘

Everwide Newsletter No.228

Experiment § How to measure the thickness of the adhesive in the glass?

Many adhesives are used to bond the transparent materials. For example, the light-curing resin is used to bond glass to glass, glass to optical components, etc. The thickness of the adhesive is often related to the components' manufacturing process and affects the performance. For example, the thicker the subsequent thickness, the faster the water absorption rate under high temperature and high humidity. Is there a way to judge the thickness of the adhesive between the glass in the laboratory? Following the steps below may give you different ideas. Step 1: Spot the adhesive on the glass and get the weight by weighing. Step 2: Calculate the adhesive volume on the glass through the adhesive's weight and density. Step 3: Press the glass together and let the adhesive cure. Step 4: Place the cured glass on the photocopier and use the maximum magnification to make a photocopy. Step 5: Weigh the photocopy paper and calculate the area. Step 6: Cut out the pattern of the adhesive and weigh it. Step 7: The photocopy paper area is known, so the weight ratio can be used to calculate the enlarged area of ​​the adhesive, and then the area before the enlargement can be calculated. Step 8: Divide the adhesive volume by the adhesive area to obtain the thickness of the adhesive. This process allows us to speculate on the adhesive thickness after pressing and then consider the suitability of formula processing.

─ Author: Dr. Ming-Xu, Li

Activity § 5S Reading club opened

We have completed the "Tidy up" of the first stage of 5S and divided the items into "necessary" and "unnecessary". Everyone worked hard to sort out their areas and present the achievement in mid-July. The teacher said that there is no standard at this stage. The only standard of everyone shows the level of environmental awareness. Each area has made significant progress, but it lacks overall consideration. Everyone puts unwanted things in their own "temporary area", which is good from an internal's point of view but strange from an external's perspective. Before entering the second stage, we launched a large-scale book club to prepare for the proposed improvement of "rectification". The company distributed one copy to everyone of "Goals" known as "The Most Successful Business Management Novel." Discussing department optimization does not mean overall optimization. Bottlenecks must be discovered and resolved. First, follow your progress (individual reading) once a week in group discussion (group reading), four weeks later, the whole factory publishes once (collective reading), and finish reading the book in two months. Let everyone build a consensus, learn "A Process of Ongoing Improvement," and apply it to follow-up activities.

Knowledge § What is the method of degassing?

Air bubbles in the resin often affect product performance, and how to remove them has become an important issue. The standard degassing methods are as follows: 1. Heating degassing: rise the temperature and drop the viscosity to make bubbles float to the surface and pop. 2. Vacuum degassing: using the smaller external pressure, the bubble's volume becomes bigger, and it floats to the surface and pops. 3. Uniaxial centrifugal degassing: Use centrifugal force to let the bubbles with light specific gravity run to the surface of the liquid, but the filling material with heavier specific gravity may settle to the bottom. 4. Biaxial centrifugal degassing (planetary degassing): the principle is the same as that of uniaxial centrifugation, but the filling material with an enormous specific gravity will be redispersed in the resin due to the component force of revolution without precipitation. 5. Biaxial centrifugation + vacuum degassing: It is the best degassing method, which can make the bubbles quickly run to the surface and break. 6. Ultrasonic degassing: Uses rapid vibration of small amplitude to separate the bubbles from the sticky objects, usually only suitable for liquids with very low viscosity.

Living § QBQ Reading review

The book QBQ gave me many shocks, and many of its contents are closely related to real life. It is mentioned in the book that most people encounter things and often has negative thoughts: Why is it so bad? It's me again? Few people can think positively: I can; I am willing to give it a try. It is necessary to have a positive attitude to facilitate learning and to be able to face problems. The book also emphasizes that we want to enrich ourselves all the time; the key is to be brave to ask the question. No people can do everything. If you can't do it, just ask. Only by exploring the real cause behind the problem, then you can master the situation. The ultimate spirit of QBQ is to act. How to turn others' responses into our thoughts, and then transform the ideas into actions to communicate, the whole process is a great thing. No wonder the title of the book is QBQ! The question behind the question (The Question Behind The Question) reminds us not to spin around on the surface of the problem. QBQ emphasizes to stop complaining, asking the right questions, and changing ourselves. I think this is why the company wants us to review after writing. We should read it carefully. After reading it, we can reread it the second time. (Please press down for more other students experiences)

─ Author: Mr. Bing-Hung, Yu
