
2014年8月17日4 分鐘

Everwide Newsletter No.176

Experiment § Non-tin catalyst moisture-curing resin

As the European Union has more and more types of organic tin compounds (Organic Tin Compound), including the concentration of dibutyl tin compound (DBT) not exceeding 0.1%, there are also regulations on the organic tin, which are a kind of challenge for PU and Silicone.

For decades, tin compounds have been used as catalysts, with a small addition, fast speed, and high conversion efficiency, and other metals (Al, Zr, Zn, Bi, etc.) are still incomparable. For the non-tin catalyst system, its formulation design, manufacturing process, and finished product stability are different from the original ones, almost the same as the new ones, so everyone continues to use tin compounds for many years. After more than a year of research and development experiments and hundreds of failed products, we launched the FS132 series of "non-tin compound" denatured silica gel. Such products can be widely used for the adhesion of plastic, glass, metal, tiles, and wood. The FS132 series is very convenient to use, and the surface dry is completed within 15 minutes. The picture on the left shows the product packaging (330ml paper tube) of the non-tin catalyst that will be launched soon. Tin-free has already surpassed the scope of the EU's listing in advance, and at the same time, we hope that our persistence in technological improvement will give customers more opportunities to pursue excellence.

─Author: Mr. Huixu, Li

Activity § Machine practical teaching

The manufacturing department conducts machine teaching every three years so that everyone is familiar with the operation of the machine so that they can memorize the dangers of the machine and the emergency response. The course is scheduled to be executed on Thursday from 8 to 9 o'clock and lasts for two months. In the first stage, everyone discusses precautions and dangerous places together, and then in the second stage, each group takes turns to publish the results of the discussion and revise the SOP. The third stage is the implementation of machine teaching. Eleven colleagues served as lecturers to conduct practical teaching on different machines. Before class, the lecturer draws up a class plan, discusses how to teach colleagues to use the machine, and after class also discusses the class situation and improves the teaching direction. The most special thing this year is that the lecturer will score the students' learning attitude and operation status, and the students will also score the lecturer, course planning, and evaluation design. Want to see what the transcript looks like? Please see

Knowledge § What is the principle of a coupling agent?

The 25th issue of the newsletter introduces the functions and types of coupling agents, and here is a brief description of its principles. In the molecular structure of common coupling agents, one end can react with inorganic fillers or inorganic surfaces, and the other end can react with organic resins. Using this characteristic of the coupling agent, a bond can be established between inorganic and organic materials, so the overall strength of the material and the durability of environmental testing can be improved. The reaction principles of different types of coupling agents and inorganic substances are different, and the functional groups that react with different resins are also different, so when designing the formulation, we should consider whether the coupling agent can really happen to the two interfaces, so choosing a suitable coupling agent has become the most critical issue.

Living § Appreciate Jade Mountain

The company’s colleagues have been planning to climb Jade mountain in a group for a long time, but because the bed was decided by lottery at Baiyun Villa the night before the climb, it took almost a month to determine the time for the climb. This is the second time I have climbed Baiyue Mountain, but I didn't expect the goal to be the highest peak in Taiwan. I spent a lot of money on equipment: hiking shoes, hiking bag, headlights, trekking poles, waterproof jacket, sun hat, and headband, etc. but unexpectedly caught a cold three days before departure! I struggled for a long time, and I really didn't want to give up this rare opportunity, so even with a cough and runny nose, I still participated in the original plan. Check into the Alishan Youth Activity Center on the first night and listen to the guide to explain the details of climbing. For example the weight of the mountaineering bag should be partially placed on the waist to reduce the burden on the shoulders. The trekking poles and feet must present a triangle shape to stabilize the center of gravity. Breathing must be elongated and rhythmic. You can take a breath every three steps and exhale every three steps. The next morning, I took a car to the mountain pass and started climbing. It is 8.5 kilometers from the mountain pass to Baiyun Mountain Villa, so we can enjoy the beauty of nature along the road, ease the fatigue of the body, and walk steadily on the mountain. A colleague had to give up tomorrow's summit plan because of a headache caused by thin air. I fell asleep at 6:30 after dinner, because I had to leave at 2 am the next day to complete the final 2.4 kilometers. The journey of departure in the early morning continued to go uphill, and three teammates were unwell and decided to turn back. When I reached the last gravel slope, I felt severe pain in the back of my head, and I had to breathe deeply in order to move forward. When the summit was successful, I was moved to hug my teammates! Looking at the beautiful surroundings can only be compared with the fairyland on earth. After sunrise, Jade Mountain reflects its shadow on the nearby mountains, which are very majestic. On the return trip down the mountain, I found that the trail when I came was much steeper than I had imagined, and it was really hard to imagine where I had the strength to climb up. I think the same is true of life! Good results can be obtained by continuous efforts. One day when I looked back, I found that I had broken through many difficulties, and that sense of accomplishment was really beyond words.

─Author: Miss. Guanling, Lin
