
2013年4月28日4 分鐘

Everwide Newsletter-No.142

Experiment § Environmental protection requirements restrict material development

Customers often ask me, "Does the product have RoHS?" and "Does it comply with REACH?" RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substance) is the EU directive to restrict hazardous substances in electrical and electronic products. It controls lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE). The concentration of these six substances in electrical and electronic products; REACH (Registration Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) is the European Union's regulation on the preventive management of chemicals entering its market, restricting the use or prohibition of defined substances of deep concern. The control was implemented on June 1, 2007. Originally there were only 13 substances of deep concern, but they have been gradually increased to 138 now. http://echa.europa.eu/candidate-list-table/ Does the story end here? No! No! More difficult is yet to come. Many customers ask us to sign the "Environmental Management Substance Non-use Guarantee Letter," and the scope of the restriction is even more restrictive. For example, "Halogen-free" is currently not a requirement of environmental protection regulations. In addition, "red phosphorus" has been restricted by a few manufacturers because of the suspicion of spontaneous combustion. "Bisphenol A" is often restricted because of environmental hormones; "metallic nickel" is sometimes restricted because long-term contact with the human body may be possible Causes allergies. These restrictions may have their original intentions, but the result of copying "Union" on the surface looks very environmentally friendly, but in fact, it is abusive and blind. For example, Red phosphorus in hardened epoxy resin will not spontaneously ignite; on the contrary, it is a flame retardant. Bisphenol A is restricted to food containers for fear of being drunk by others; parts made of epoxy resin will not interact with the human body at all. Long-term contact. However, the world has become a global village. As long as an organization puts forward certain restrictions, sooner or later, we will be affected. Perhaps this is a new interpretation of the "butterfly effect"? Material development is getting more and more challenging! Apart from headaches, we still have to keep working hard.

─Author: Mr. Shiming, Zheng

Activity § Taipei International Automotive Electronics Show

The Taipei Automotive Electronics Show has successfully concluded on April 13. Everwide participated in this exhibition for the first time and made many new attempts. As shown in Figure 1, our booth has almost no decoration, only a few tables and chairs are placed in the booth, and two low cabinets are placed on the outside. Company profile and product catalogs are available for people to read: this is the least exhibited in the record of our participation in the exhibition. However, we are not casual because of the simplicity; we planned to demonstrate "knowledge" at the beginning of the planning. We hold 1 briefing session every day, each about 2 hours. The content includes knowledge of epoxy resin, UV, Silicone, and Q&A discussion. Picture 2 The small letters on the wall read "Glue Classroom", and a green exhibition manual (40 pages) and an explanatory meeting agenda are placed in front of it. One of the scenes was so deserted that there were only two listeners, but we were not discouraged, and we still talked about the whole content. In addition, two audiences filled up the booths and almost stood in the aisles outside (Pictures 3 and 4). On the last night, we met at the exhibition site for a review (Figure 5). Everyone felt that this trip was a great harvest: we used the mobile slides as the background, used the explanatory meeting to display knowledge, and effectively expressed in the open space, which many visitors highly affirmed. These are all previous exhibitors. I had never experienced it before. In June this year, Everwide will participate in the "International Optoelectronics Exhibition," what else is new? Let everyone wait and see.

Knowledge § How to make thermal (insulation) materials?

The three modes of heat flow are conduction, convection, and radiation. Various methods of insulation are aimed at reducing the flow of heat in the above three modes. As far as conduction is concerned, the thermal conductivity of general plastic materials is 0.3 W/mK, and the thermal conductivity of air is 0.03 W/mK. The method to further reduce the thermal conductivity of plastic materials is to foam the plastic materials. The higher the foaming ratio, the lower the density after foaming, and the better the heat insulation effect. In epoxy resins, foaming agents or hollow glass spheres can be used to achieve the above objectives.

Living § The Knowledge of Guava

In the past, when I went to the vegetable market to buy guava, I would tear open the plastic bag and squeeze it with my hands to see if it was soft guava. Once, I bought it at a roadside stall that only sells guavas; the proprietress didn't like the customers to pick it like this. She said, "Take it back. Don't ice it if it's hard. Leave it for a few days, and it will be soft." So from then on, I bought guavas from the same place, and as long as I said "Buy 100 yuan", she was pleased. After weighing, they give me a few extra shoddy guavas. I am embarrassed to say how I can buy so many. The same guava has different hardness and taste at different times. If you want to eat soft guava, it will become soft after a few days. The question is not whether the guava is soft when you buy it, but when you want to eat it. If you buy guava that is too green and ice it, it will probably become dehydrated, and you won't be able to wait for the day when it becomes soft. In other words, the storage environment will affect the change of guava. The guava bought in the same market, or even the guava grown in the same home orchard, will have different flavors due to the subsequent processing methods of consumers. Therefore, almost all the guavas eaten at my house are soft. Guavas that are cut as soon as they are bought are crispy. It reminds me that I have been making glue for thirteen years. Not many customers know chemistry, and very few know glue. The same material, different users will have different results. The material is dead, but how to use it is alive. In a word, the key to the problem of using glue lies in people.

─Author: Mr. Hui-xu, Li
