2012年4月8日4 分鐘

Everwide Newsletter No.115

Experiment § The influence of aluminum nitride content on thermal conductivity properties

The thermal conductivity of epoxy resin is about 0.3 W/mK, and the thermal conductivity of aluminum nitride is between 70 and 210 W/mK, so the most direct way to improve the thermal conductivity of the material is to increase the amount of aluminum nitride added. This concept is simple to say, but not easy to do because the liquid resin has its basic viscosity and it is difficult to mix in a high proportion of aluminum nitride powder. From another point of view, filling a large amount of aluminum into the resin may result in extremely high viscosity of the mixture, difficulty in dispensing and coating, and loss of good processing characteristics. Surface treatment of the powder, design of the optimal particle size distribution, and improvement of the wetting ability of the resin to the powder are all helpful to increase the amount of aluminum nitride added. The characteristics of aluminum nitride materials with different contents are shown in the table on the left: the thermal conductivity will increase as the volume percentage of aluminum nitride increases. (Remarks: Resin density is 1.16, aluminum nitride is 3.26. Related reading: Issue 101 What is the principle of thermally conductive adhesive and thermally conductive paste?)

─Author: Ms. Ya-Hui, Su Assistant R&D Engineer Everwide Chemical

Activity § Caring activities of the group

Modern people have gradually neglected the people around them because of their busy work and tight life. Greetings like robots flood our work environment. There is no more smile at work, no caring, and indifference is the usual way of getting along. In order to unite everyone's centripetal force and make Everwide a veritable big family, we began to use different ways to care for each other. The greetings in the text message, the enthusiasm in the card, these small details make our lives warmer. Caring for the people around us is not a difficult task. We can use very simple ways to make our lives better. Did you care about the people around you today? Don’t forget to pay attention all the time!

Knowledge § Is the water absorption rate of the resin cured must be greater than 0?

Most resins will increase in weight after they are cured and soaked in water. In other words, most resins have a water absorption rate greater than zero after curing. This result does not mean that the water absorption rate will always be greater than 0, because some resin compositions will dissolve in the water during the test and cause the overall weight loss of the resin, and the water absorption rate calculated in this way will become less than 0. In the same way, the cured resin is soaked in a specific solvent for a swellen ratio test. After the resin absorbs the solvent, the weight increases, but it is also possible that some components of the resin will dissolve into the solvent, causing the weight of the resin to decrease. In summary, water absorption and swelling rate can be used as reference indicators for water resistance and solvent resistance, but it is best to cooperate with other experiments, for example changes in strength, changes in hardness, etc. can describe these characteristics relatively completely.

Living § Toto le héros's impression

At the 2011 end-of-year meeting in January of this year, the company played the movie " Toto le héros ". After the meeting, we asked everyone to put forward their experiences and new hopes for the new year. Thomas, the protagonist of this movie, always feels that the neighbor next door has deprived him of everything, including his family background, father, sister, lover, and everything. The old Thomas felt heartbroken at the thought that he was about to die before he really lived. He wants to change all this! The energetic " Toto le héros " appeared in his mind and this is a story that describes how a person is ruined for a lifetime by imagination. In this movie, the protagonist reviews all the details of his life, and the seemingly constant regrets and resentments make us feel distressed. Thomas is finally about to take pleasing revenge! In the process of carrying out this final task, Thomas found that a lot of sadness originated from his own cognition. In the end, he chose to be who he was once and defeated his own imagination, no longer longing for the life of his neighbor. The protagonist's ending is very free and easy, but his meaning is extremely far-reaching.

After watching this movie, I realized that everyone has a unique and different destiny. We should be our own masters and live for ourselves all the time, without blindly envying others. When encountering adversity, you should not blame others, and you should examine yourself and reflect on yourself "Why is this? What can be done?" In this way, you can get rid of the destiny of sadness.

Note: The left picture is taken from the DVD cover, and the right picture is taken from the video paragraph. Related information: Toto LeHeros Release time: 1991 Language: French Release country: Belgium Interlude: Charles Trenet "Boum" (1938)

─Author: Mrs. Yi-Zhong, Shen, Small batch production staff Everwide Chemical

Thriving 是奮發向上的意思,是永寬的電子報 內文編輯: 李姮蓉 版面設計: 曾文政 電子郵件:service@everwide.com.tw
