2012年1月15日4 分鐘

Everwide newsletter No.109

Experiment § Will the adhesive strength of light-curing resin become stronger after environmental measurement?

An interviewer asked me: "Why is the glass adhesive in our catalog stronger after the environmental measurement?" This is a good question. The figure on the left is a test piece after testing the adhesion strength with a tensile machine. There are two factors to consider for adhesion: (1) Cohesion strength is the strength of the adhesive material itself. (2) Adhesion strength refers to the adhesion between the adhesive material and the substrate. In the process of environmental measurement, the cohesive force may be destroyed, causing material embrittlement and yellowing. For example, the temperature reaches the pyrolysis temperature or ultraviolet rays cause material aging, etc. This is the result most people would guess. But at the temperature that the material can withstand, the temperature is a factor that can rearrange the molecular chains. The denser the molecular chains are stacked through the movement, the higher the hardness and the stronger tensile strength. In the process of steelmaking, annealing is a mechanism that allows molecules to rearrange and increase strength. Similarly, another factor that affects adhesion is that the adhesion force may decrease or increase after the environmental measurement. In the case of glass adhesives, the chemical reaction between resin and glass is affected by time, temperature and humidity. The strength of this type of adhesive is not the same at the initial stage after UV exposure and after 24 hours of exposure, or even a week later. Generally speaking, it is easy to strengthen the chemical reaction between the resin and the glass by just experiencing a temperature of 60~80℃, thereby increasing the adhesion, but moisture may reduce the adhesion. The impact of the environmental measurement on strength seems to be a very simple question, but it contains many unsolved mysteries, and you will find many wonderful places to explore in-depth!

─Author: Mrs. Hui-xu, Li R&D Engineer, Everwide Chemical

Activity § The quality management diagnosis of CPC mode SMEs

Everwide Chemical participated in the diagnostic service of the Quality Management Improvement Plan for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2011. On October 25, 2011, consultant Lin Song-Mao from the Productivity Center came to the factory for a one-day diagnosis. Two weeks later, consultant Lin sent a detailed diagnosis certificate and offered to allow more time for a more detailed explanation. The second event was a symposium held on the day of 2011.12.28, and consultants Ming-Yao Chen and Song-Mao Lin visited the factory for guidance. Although these two activities are free diagnoses with full subsidies from the government, the two consultants who visited Everwide are very professional and enthusiastic, and we all benefited a lot. In addition, it is surprising that many colleagues have been trained at the Productivity Center. In this event, they were able to ask in-depth questions to the consultants, showing the growth of the colleagues. I would like to pass this opportunity to thank the Ministry of Economic Affairs Department of Small and Medium Enterprises, Productivity Center, Consultant Chen Ming-Yao and Consultant Lin Song-Mao for their guidance, and I also call on everyone to actively participate in related activities to make our quality more improved.

─Author: Ms. Yu-Zhi, Ai, Quality Management Representative of Everwide Chemical

Knowledge § Why materials such as PE and PP are not easy to stick

PE and PP are non-polar and highly crystalline materials. Because of their very low polarity, it is difficult for the adhesives to wet well, and it is difficult to establish good bonds. In addition, their high crystallinity cannot form a plastic surface that can swell. Therefore, when plastics such as PE and PP are directly bonded with adhesives, the strength is not very desirable. Instant glue works with Primer and using chlorinated PP as Primer to perform flame treatment and corona treatment on the surface can partially improve the adhesion to PE and PP, but it is limited by equipment or manufacturing process, which is not the best solution. At present, the adhesives that are more suitable for PE and PP are adhesives for solvent-based rubber systems.

Living § Brilliant course lectures

Is the way of teaching the same? The Carnegie course is very different. I remember that from the first class, the lecturer announced that all students should treat themselves as ordinary people. Among the students are bosses, supervisors, teachers, and parents. Most people have long been accustomed to living according to their status but it will make people feel a little cold. "Being an ordinary person" is to put down your identity. We started by getting to know each other and making friends. Soon, people who didn't know each other at all had already chatted with each other in groups to get to know each other better. Classes are conducted in the form of experience sharing and group discussion, and the content of the course revolves around the five themes of self-confidence, interpersonal relationships, communication, leadership, and worry-free. In an impromptu speech course, I realized that I can deliver a speech on a topic in a short period of time. Why is this? Because the "environment" was created. The first is a demonstration by the lecturer and several examples of instructors, and the last is a demonstration by the students. Lecturers and counselors give each student the best appreciation with a focused look and encouraging words. Therefore, the environment creates a person's behavior. Creating a good environment will make people act beyond their limits. The subject of the most memorable class is gratitude. A counselor shared that he had nothing because of business failure, and started again in the workplace, and his family members supported and accompanied him along the way. He burst into tears while talking. This scene was shocking and more profound than what was shown on TV. Moreover, not only the lecturer and the instructor, but also the subsequent sharing by the students, everyone who participated in this class frequently wiped their tears. These are unimaginable in class. It is based on sharing so that you can get to know each other better, and the most important thing is to maintain "enthusiasm" for life and work, which is the driving force of everything. Please go out of your comfort zone, this will make your comfort zone more expanded.

─Author: Mrs. Er-Kai, Ye Everwide Chemical

Thriving 是奮發向上的意思,是永寬的電子報 內文編輯: 李姮蓉 版面設計: 曾文政 電子郵件:service@everwide.com.tw
