
2011年12月4日4 分鐘

Everwide Newsletter-No.106

Experiment § Where does the difference in pull come from?

When making the adhesive test piece, the thickness of the adhesive is also one of the variables. Experimenters often put a specific thickness of iron wire between the two test pieces to control the thickness of the adhesive.

The two test strips on the left in the left picture are the test strips connected to the Everwide factory. We arbitrarily put three small pieces of iron wire in the test strip; the two test strips on the right of the left picture are the test strips connected by the customer; in the test strip, Two wires parallel to each other are placed inside. In addition, we use the same adhesive on both sides of the customer, and the bonding area, baking conditions, and testing equipment are also the same. However, there are some gaps in the experimental data: the average strength of our test piece is 1818 kg, and the average strength of the customer is 1879 kg. Why are there differences between the two sides?

The main difference between these test pieces lies in the way the wires are placed. The arrow on the right shows the direction in which the crack grows when the test piece is broken. In the test piece on the right in the right picture, the direction of wire arrangement is parallel to the direction in which the crack grows. In other words, the presence of iron wire will not affect the growth of cracks. Imagine that if the wire is laid horizontally. The direction of the wire arrangement is perpendicular to the direction in which the crack grows, then when the crack grows forward and meets the wire, the position of the wire will suddenly "degummed," and a huge crack will be formed, which becomes a test—the weakness of the film.

In the test piece on the left in the picture on the right, iron wires are randomly scattered, and each piece of small iron wire can be regarded as a combination of vertical and horizontal components. These horizontal components are all small defects for the test piece, so the strength of the left test piece is lower than the right one.

─Author: Ms. Liu Liling, Assistant R&D Engineer, Everwide Chemical

Activity § Eco-friendly and energy-saving car "Evolution"

The consequence of the high development of human science and technology: natural resources are rapidly consumed in large quantities. In particular, oil, the energy required by many vehicles, is predicted by experts to be exhausted in a few decades. Therefore, it is vital to develop energy-saving vehicles.

Everwide Chemical upholds the spirit of industry-academic cooperation, providing resin and technology to assist students from the Department of Vehicle Engineering of Huwei University of Science and Technology in making this environmentally friendly and energy-saving vehicle called "Evolution."

"Evolution" runs on a battery-driven motor. The car body is made of epoxy resin and carbon fiber in a hand-laminated method. This year's environmental protection and energy-saving vehicle competition for universities and colleges won third place in the gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle group. We showed it in front of the booth at the October Electronics Fair, and the eye-catching degree was 100%! Next time you go to National Formosa University, you might see it again.

─Author: Assistant R&D Engineer Mr. Jin-rong, Li Everwide Chemical

Knowledge § What kinds of silica (quartz powder) are there?

Quartz powder for plastic fillers can be divided into crystalline quartz powder [CAS:14464-46-1] and amorphous (unshaped) quartz powder [CAS:60676-86-0] according to whether it is crystallized or not. The former has a lower price and higher thermal conductivity; the latter has a lower thermal expansion coefficient and better dimensional stability. Crystalline quartz powder is mainly mined from natural quartz ore; amorphous (unshaped) quartz powder is obtained by melting crystalline quartz at high temperature and then quickly cooling and quenching, so it is also called fused quartz pink. These two kinds of quartz powders have irregular or spherical shapes due to their different shapes. The former has large oil absorption and has anti-cracking properties; the latter has low oil absorption and can obtain a large filling volume.

Irregular quartz powder is polygonal when viewed with a microscope, which is the result of direct grinding of the quartz powder; spherical quartz powder is the result of placing the irregular quartz powder at a high temperature close to the melting point, leaving the original uneven edges The corners are melted, and then cooled down to obtain spherical quartz powder.

Living § Vietnam trip

The capital of Vietnam is Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City is the largest city in the south. The city is divided into 17 counties. During this trip, we stayed in the first district, also known as Saigon in the past. It has been one of the most important economic zones since the French colonial era. Clients suggested that we look for partners here.

Vietnam is still a communist country, but the Vietnamese government has changed to an open and reform line. Like China before, cheap labor is one of the main considerations for countries to set up factories. Faced with China's rising wages, Vietnam's labor-intensive industries have slowly developed.

Although Vietnam is still a developing country, after recent years of development, it has become the goal of many manufacturers to invest and set up factories. Bicycles and motorcycles are the primary means of transportation in Vietnam, and they are also the directions that Everwide products can enter. Many Japanese camera manufacturers such as SONY, CANON, and NIKON have set up factories here one after another. Taiwanese businessmen invested in Vietnam relatively early. For example, the old brands of home appliances, Datong, CD Rhende, and Foxconn, have all established large-scale factories here.

In terms of food, clothing, housing, and transportation, Vietnam was like Taiwan 30 years ago. The traffic is chaotic and unruly, and it is easy to be ripped off by a taxi. In terms of climate, Vietnam is prone to thunderstorms in the afternoon. Customers jokingly explained that Vietnam's climate is divided into two seasons, hot and very hot. France has ruled Vietnam for nearly a hundred years. The Vietnamese coffee leftover is exceptional. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Vietnam. The background in the picture on the left is the famous colonial architecture of Ho Chi Minh City-the Church of Our Lady of the Maharajah of Saigon.

─Author: Sales Staff Mr. Zheng-kuan, Yao Everwide Chemical

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